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1 Work overtime

Overtime: tackling (enfrentando) tight deadlines for success! 🕒🚀”

Alex: Hey, Sarah! I heard the boss wants us to work overtime (faça horas extras) this week.

Sarah: Oh, really? Any specific reason?

Alex: Seems like there’s a tight deadline (um prazo apertado) for the upcoming (próximo) project.

Sarah: Got it. I’m okay with it. How about you?

Alex: Yeah, I can manage (consigo). It’s crucial to meet the deadline (cumprir o prazo).

Sarah: True. Let’s give it our best shot (dar o nosso melhor) and get the job done (concluir o trabalho).

Alex: Absolutely. Teamwork makes the dream work (O trabalho em equipe alcança os objetivos / a união faz a força)!

2 Fringe benefits.

Perks (benefícios): flexible hours and extra days off (dias de folga) for a better work-life balance! ⏰

Emily: Hey, Mark! Have you heard about the new fringe benefits ( benefícios extras, adicional) our company is offering?

Mark: No, what’s new?

Emily: They’re introducing flexible work hours (horários flexíveis) and extra vacation days.

Mark: That’s great! How did you find out (descobriu)?

Emily: HR (RH) sent out an email. It seems they’re trying to enhance (melhorar) employee satisfaction.

Mark: Well, that’s a nice surprise. Any other fringe benefits mentioned?

Emily: Yes, they’re also considering wellness programs (programas de bem-estar) and professional development opportunities.

Mark: I’m impressed. It’s good to see the company investing in employee well-being (bem-estar dos funcionários).

Emily: Absolutely! It’s a step towards (em direção à) creating a positive work environment (ambiente de trabalho).

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.