Aprenda mais com os Daily routines e o áudio. Amplie seu vocabulário.

1A routine as a worker.

Every day, I follow a routine as a worker. I start my day by waking up early in the morning. After a quick shower, I have a simple breakfast and then head off (saio) to work. My work involves tasks (tarefas) and responsibilities that keep me busy throughout (durante todo) the day. I take a short break for lunch, usually bringing something from home. In the afternoon, I continue with my work until it’s time to wrap up for the day (encerrar o expediente) . Once I’m back home, I spend some time relaxing and unwinding (descontraindo, desconectando) . I have dinner, catch up on (me atualizo com) news, and prepare for the next day before going to bed.

Poll: Which part of the daily work routine do you relate to (se identifica) the most?

  1. Energetic Morning: I love starting the day early and enjoying the tranquility of the morning.
  2. Homemade (caseiros) Lunches: I prefer bringing something from home for lunch and recharging my energy.
  3. Afternoon Hustle (agito, atividade): I like focusing on tasks in the afternoon to be productive.
  4. Unwinding (descontração) Time: Relaxing and unwinding when I get home is essential for me.
  5. Preparatory Night: Preparing dinner, catching up on news, and organizing for the next day.

Choose the option you find most charming (encatadora) in the worker’s routine!

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.