Aprenda mais com os textos e o áudio. Amplie seu vocabulário.

1Sleepless nights.

“I’ve been having sleepless nights (noites sem dormir, noites em claro) lately. It’s like my mind won’t turn off (desliga), and I find myself (me pego) staring at (olhando para, encarando) the ceiling (teto) for hours. I try counting sheep (contar carneirinhos), but it doesn’t seem to help. Maybe it’s the stress or too much on my mind. I miss the feeling of waking up refreshed (revigorado). I’ll try some relaxation techniques and hope for better nights ahead. If anyone has tips for a good night’s sleep (noite de sono), I’m all ears (sou todo ouvidos, totalmente disposto a ouvir)!”

2 My cat passed away.

“I’m feeling really sad today because my cat passed away (faleceu). He was a loyal and loving companion (companheiro leal e amoroso) for many years. Losing a pet is never easy, and I’ll miss his playful antics (brincadeiras/palhaçadas divertidas). Saying goodbye is hard, but I’m grateful (grato) for the memories we shared. It’s a tough day, and I’ll give myself time to grieve (estar de luto, chorar a perda). Pets bring so much joy into our lives, and my cat will always have a special place in my heart.”

3 The rain finally stopped.

“The rain flooded (alagou) the street in my neighborhood (bairro). It rained so much, and the water started to cover the road. Some cars had trouble getting through (passar), and people were using umbrellas to stay dry (secas). It’s a bit inconvenient, but we’re all helping each other out (ajudando). The rain finally stopped, and now we’re waiting for the water to go away (escoar, ir embora). It’s a reminder (lembrete) of how powerful nature can be, and we’re hoping for better weather soon.”

4 ‘The Incredible Hulk’.

“I watched the movie ‘The Incredible Hulk(O Incrível Hulk) last night. It was so exciting! The Hulk is a superhero with incredible strength (força). The special effects were amazing, and the action scenes were intense. I enjoyed seeing the Hulk save the day, especially when he turned green (ficava verde) and ripped (rasgava) his clothes when getting angry. The storyline (trama, narrativa) kept me on the edge of my seat (envolvido, ansioso para saber o que aconteceria). It’s one of my favorite superhero movies, and I can’t wait to watch more in the series (da série).”

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.