Aprenda mais com os textos e o áudio. Amplie seu vocabulário.

1A painful experience.

I lost my daughter last year. It was a painful experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone (não desejo a ninguém). She passed away (faleceu) after a long battle with illness (doença). The loss still feels fresh (recente), like an open wound (ferida) in my heart. Memories of her bring both joy and sorrow, reminding me of the beautiful moments we shared together. Her laughter, her kindness, her presence – all irreplaceable (insubstituível). Each day is a struggle without her, but I find solace (consolo) in knowing she’s in a better place now. Though she’s gone, her spirit lives on in my heart, guiding me through the darkness. I cherish (valorizo, aprecio) the time we had and hold onto (me agarro, preservo) the love she left behind.

2 It takes time to learn.

Learning a foreign language takes time (leva tempo) and patience. It’s not something that happens overnight (da noite para o dia) , but rather (mas sim) a gradual process. At first, everything can seem overwhelming (pesado, difícil de lidar), like trying to decipher a code. But with practice and dedication, things start to make sense bit by bit (pouco a pouco). It’s like putting together a puzzle (quebra-cabeça); each piece represents a new word or grammar rule. Mistakes are inevitable, but they’re also part of the learning journey. Over time (com o tempo), as you immerse yourself in the language, you begin to feel more comfortable and confident. Conversations become easier, and you start to understand more of what you hear and read. It’s a journey filled with ups and downs (altos e baixos), but the progress you make along the way (ao longo do caminho) is incredibly rewarding (gratificante).

3 Ice cream on my shirt!

I accidentally dropped (deixei cair, derramei) my ice cream on my shirt. It made a sticky mess (uma bagunça pegajosa) that spread (espalhou) everywhere. I tried to clean it, but it just made a big stain (uma grande mancha). I felt embarrassed because my shirt was new. People around me looked sympathetic (com simpatia), probably remembering when they spilled (derramaram) something. Even though I tried hard to clean it, the stain stayed. I realized accidents happen, and all I could do was laugh. It reminded me (me lembrou) to be more careful next time, especially when eating ice cream.

4 I ended up taking a tumble.

I was trying to learn how to skateboard (andar de skate), but I ended up taking a tumble (levando um tombo). I was wobbling on (oscilando no) the board, trying to keep my balance (manter o equilíbrio), when suddenly I lost control and fell. It was a bit scary, but luckily (felizmente, ainda bem que) I wasn’t hurt badly. My friends rushed over to help me up and make sure I was okay. Even though I fell, I didn’t give up. I dusted myself off (limpei-me, sacudi a poeira do corpo) and got back on the skateboard, determined to try again. Learning to skateboard takes practice (requer prática), and falls are just part of the process. I’ll keep practicing until I get the hang of it (pegar o jeito/ a manha)!

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.