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1My routine as a homemaker.

As a homemaker (dona de casa), my daily routine revolves around (gira em torno) keeping our home tidy (arrumada, limpa) and organized. Mornings begin with washing the dishes (lavando a louça) from last night and preparing breakfast for the family. After that, it’s time to tackle the laundry (lidar com a lavagem de roupa), sorting (separando) clothes, and putting them in the washing machine (máquina de lavar). While the clothes wash, I sweep the floors (varro o chão) and dust the furniture (tiro o pó dos móveis) to keep everything clean. Once the laundry is done, I hang it out (penduro) to dry (secar) in the backyard (quintal). In the afternoon, I might iron the clothes (passar as roupas) and fold them neatly (dobrá-las cuidadosamente). If the weather permits, I also tend to (cuido do) the garden, watering (regando) the plants and removing weeds (ervas daninhas). I also wash the yard (quintal) to keep it clean. Before dinner, I vacuum the carpet (passo aspirador no tapete) to remove any dust (poeira) or dirt. Evenings are for cooking dinner, washing up (lavar a louça) afterward, and relaxing with my loved ones (entes queridos). It’s a simple routine, but it keeps our home running smoothly (funcionando sem problemas).

Poll: What’s the most challenging part of being a homemaker?

  1. Laundry Day: Sorting, washing, and hanging clothes out to dry.
  2. Keeping the Floors Clean: Sweeping and dusting to maintain a tidy home.
  3. Garden Care: Watering plants, removing weeds, and tending to the yard.
  4. Vacuuming Carpets: Ensuring (garantir) carpets are free of dust and dirt.
  5. Cooking Dinner: Preparing meals for the family every evening.

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.