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1It’s starting to drizzle.

Dylan: Hey, Alice! Look at those dark clouds. Do you think it’s going to rain?

Alice: Hmm, I’m not sure, Dylan. It looks like it might start raining soon.

Dylan: I hope not. I wanted to go for a walk (dar um passeio) in the park today.

Alice: Me too, but we should bring umbrellas just in case (só por precaução).

Dylan: Good idea. I’ll grab (pegar) them before we head out (sairmos).

Alice: It’s starting to drizzle (chuviscar, garoar) now. Maybe we should wait a bit.

Dylan: Yeah, let’s wait and see if it stops. I really don’t want to get soaked (ficar ensopado).

Alice: Agreed. Let’s keep an eye on (ficar de olho) the weather forecast (previsão) too.

2 My nephew has lice.

Bobby: Hey, Doris! I need to tell you something. My nephew (sobrinho) has lice (está com piolhos).

Doris: Oh no, Bobby! That’s not good. How did he get (pegou) them?

Bobby: I’m not sure, but his school sent a notice (mandou um aviso) saying there’s a lice outbreak (um surto de piolhos).

Doris: Poor kid (coitado do menino). Does he feel itchy (com coceira)?

Bobby: Yeah, he’s been scratching (coçando) his head a lot.

Doris: We should let his parents know (avisar) so they can treat it.

Bobby: Definitely. I’ll tell them right away (imediatamente).

Doris: I hope he feels better soon. Lice can be annoying (chatos).

Bobby: Yeah, they sure can. Thanks for understanding, Doris.

3 Tom and Jerry episode.

Gabriel: Hey, Megan! Have you seen the latest (o último) Tom and Jerry episode?

Megan: Yeah, Gabriel! It was so funny when Jerry outsmarted (enganou, passou a perna) Tom again.

Gabriel: I know, right (né)? They always have the craziest adventures.

Megan: I love how Tom never gives up (desiste) trying to catch Jerry, even though (embora, apesar de) he never succeeds.

Gabriel: Yeah, that’s the best part! Their antics (travessuras) always make me laugh.

Megan: Me too! I could watch Tom and Jerry all day long.

Gabriel: Same here. It’s such a classic cartoon (desenho).

Megan: Definitely. Let’s watch more episodes together sometime (algum dia, qualquer hora)!

Gabriel: I‘m in (estou dentro), Megan! Binge-watching (assistir sem parar) Tom and Jerry is always a blast (uma diversão).

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.