Aprenda mais com os Daily routines e o áudio. Amplie seu vocabulário.

1My dog’s routine.

My dog’s routine is pretty simple. In the morning, we go for a walk (damos uma volta) around the block (quarteirão) and I always keep my dog on a leash. (na coleira). After that, he gets his breakfast, usually some kibble (ração) and water. We play fetch (brincamos de pegar a bolinha) for a bit, and then he takes a nap (tira uma soneca). In the afternoon, we might go to the park, where he meets other dogs and has a good time (se diverte). When we get back home, it’s dinner time – he loves his dog food. Evenings are for relaxing, maybe some belly rubs (carinhos na barriga) and watching TV together. Before bedtime, we give him a quick bath to freshen up (refrescar) .

He sleeps by my side all night, and that’s our routine every day. Oh, and there’s also the part where I have to clean up after him (limpar a sujeira dele) when he pees/poops during our (faz xixi/cocô durante o nosso trajeto) stroll (passeio) .

Poll: What part of the dog’s routine do you find most charming (encantadora)?

  1. Morning Stroll: Lovely walk around the block.
  2. Breakfast Time: The moment he enjoys his kibble and water.
  3. Park Fun: Lively (animadas) afternoons at the park, meeting other dogs.
  4. Evening Relaxation: Peaceful (tranquilas) nights with belly rubs and TV together.
  5. Nighttime Bath: Quick bath before bedtime to freshen up.

Choose the option you find most charming in the dog’s routine!

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.