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1Subway and bus strike.

Tom: Hi, Sarah! Have you heard about the subway and bus strike (greve) tomorrow?

Sarah: Oh no, really? How will we get to work? This strike came out of nowhere (surgiu do nada).
They should have brought up the issues (mencionado essas questões) before deciding to break up (interromper) the services.

Tom: I know, it’s a problem. Maybe we can carpool (dividir carona) with John?

Sarah: Good idea! I’ll ask him. What time should we meet?

Tom: Let’s plan for 8 AM. Hopefully (tomara, espero que), the traffic won’t be too bad.

Sarah: Fingers crossed (torcendo, tomara)! And I hope the strike ends soon.

Tom: Me too. Public transportation makes things so much easier.

2Planning a trip to London.

Lisa: Hi, Mark! I’m thinking about planning a trip to London.

Mark: That sounds amazing! When are you thinking of going?

Lisa: I was thinking of going in the summer, maybe July. What do you think?

Mark: July is a great time! The weather is usually nice. What places do you want to visit?

Lisa: I want to see the Big Ben, the British Museum, and maybe take a ride (dar uma volta) on the London Eye.

Mark: Awesome (incríveis) choices! Let me know (me avise) when you finalize your plans, maybe we can explore London together!

3Homeless man on the street.

Sophie: Hey, Mark. Did you see that homeless (sem-teto, desabrigado) man on the street?

Mark: Yeah, it’s sad. He looks really cold.

Sophie: I want to help. Do you have any spare change (trocado)?

Mark: I do. Let’s give him some money and maybe buy him a hot drink.

Sophie: Great idea. Hey, sir, we hope this helps. Stay warm (aquecido)!

Homeless Man: Thank you both so much. God bless you.

Definitions: (Waytogo and Dictionary Cambridge/Collins/Longman/Macmillan/Oxford/Lexico)
Aprenda Inglês com texto e áudio. Texto de nativos para ampliar seu vocabulário de forma divertida e dinâmica. English audio and text.